Wednesday 12 January 2011

Eating disorders

Models link to teenage anorexia

The media's obsession with painfully thin fashion models has contributed to the growth in eating disorders among young girls, according to the British Medical Association.
A report by this association  identifies a link between the images of "abnormally thin" models which dominate TV and magazines, and the rise in conditions such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

The degree of thinness exhibited by models chosen to promote products is both unachievable and biologically inappropriateThe gap between the ideal body shape and the reality is wider than ever

British Medical Association report
There are an estimated 60,000 people in Britain with eating disorders. Nine out of ten are female.

The report calls for urgent action to reduce the pressure on young women to be thin, asking publishers in particular to be more responsible.
Find more information at:

Family hides French model’s death
Isabelle Caro dies at age 28

One of the tragic examples of an eating disorder that ended up in death was the case of the French model Isabelle Caro. Read some information about the case and think about this issue. Then debate it with your colleagues and teachers.

Isabelle Caro, 27 years old, weights 31kg. Isabelle appears naked on billboards in an effort to raise awareness of anorexia as an illness, but also to promote fashion label No-li-ta. This has caused the outrage of people such as the head of the Italian Association for the Study of Anorexia as they claim that the campaign might have the opposite effect and it might be promoting an emaciated look on young girls. The fear is that young girls will try to compete to achieve Isabelle's appearance, portrayed by controversial photographer Oliviero Toscani.

If you’ve seen the story on television, then you remember the shocking anorexic body of Isabelle Caro who promoted ‘No Anorexia‘ during Fashion Week of 2007. The family has decided to not release the news to the media that early last month (November 17th) Isabelle died.Find more information at:

Caro was featured in an ad campaign by Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani in 2007 for an Italian fashion house. Under the headline “No Anorexia,” Isabelle Caro said in an interview she had suffered from anorexia since the age of 13.

Caro died on the night of November 17th, 2010 in Tokyo, Japan, of causes related to her anorexia.

1 comment:

  1. Is there any beauty in these skinny bodies???
    Yet they are the models of today's youth. Unfortunately this is a problem that has been affecting more and more girls as well as boys / young men! Even shops promote this tyranny of thinness by selling small / tight sizes...
