Horus Heresy Tactica: Legion Apothecarion Detachment

Legion Apothecarion

The apothecary is the Legion most trusted and scared members. It falls on their shoulders to tend to the wounded and fallen, but also tend to the continued health and future of the legion. It is the Apothecary’s duty to be a battlefield healer: tending to the wounded, returning the injured back to the fray, and if necessary, delivering final mercy to those beyond help. From those that are beyond help, the Apothecary has the onerous duty of recovering the Legion’s gene-seed for implantation in future generation of Astartes.


Augury Scanner A good cheap option that shuts down near by Infiltrators and gives the unit the Interceptor rule
Combi-weapon An option that I would always take given that he is limited in what units he can join
Volkite charger The combi-weapon is the better option, as it is also a special weapon. This would be good if the whole squad has Volkite chargers
Replace Chainsword for Power Sword This option could be left out if you are trying to save points. You don’t want your Apothecary in close combat
Artificer Armor This option should be standard as it increases your Apothecary’s survivability, which increases the squads survivability


Build Options

There aren’t actually that many builds for this guy. The strength of the Apothecary comes from the fact that he increases the survivability of the squad that he’s in. That means that the Apothecary should either be taken bare bones or given only one or two of the above options. The difference between current codex Apothecaries and the Legion Apothecary is that, much like the Blood Angels, you can take three as a single choice. However, (this is a big point) they must be assigned to a set list of squads and can’t voluntarily leave it. Ultimately, it comes down to what squad you want to have the Feel No Pain special rule and then kitting him out to better work with the squad.


Given how Feel No Pain works now it 6th edition, it is a nice thing to have an Apothecary or two floating around; however, for the most part, the legion Apothecary can only be assigned to troop choices. This is not a bad thing in of itself, but when coupled with the fact that most of the troop choices that the Apothecary can be attached to can also be twenty man strong, the purpose of the Apothecary seems negligible. Add to that that the Apothecary detachment is an elite choice, and you’re left with a unit that will probably only be taken because of fluff or personal taste.

2 responses to “Horus Heresy Tactica: Legion Apothecarion Detachment

  1. Its important to note that the Apothecary may only make once choice of either an Augury Scanner, Combi-weapon or Volkite Charger. Of the three, I’d recommend the Augury Scanner.

    The Apothecary in this list is actually better than the Blood Angels varient, firstly because he is not an IC and as such does not give away a seperate kill point, secondly with large troop choices feel no pain increases the effeciency enormously, For example, a 20 man tactical squad (250 pts) requires 180 BS4 bolter rounds to be destroyed, (each bolter round effectively kills 1.39 pts of marines) add an apothecary and that increases to 284 to kill the 21 man squad (and now each bolter round is killing 1.04 pts of marines). a huge increase in defence for not a lot of points, and keeping your scoring unit alive could be the difference between victory and defeat.

    • The fact that him not being an Independent Character and thus would give away a Kill Point escaped my noticed, but it’s a very good point to keep in mind. As for the Apothecary in a 20 man squad, this point came up in one of the forums where I linked my blog too. I am deffiantly not going to say that putting an Apothecary with a 20 man squad is a bad thing. I just think that given how tough Space Marines it is to generally kill them and the fact that you have a squad of 20 may seem a bit…unnecessary. This is especially true with put into comparison of the other Elite Choices that can be taken. I will not argue that the Apothecary, given his cheap points cost and buff ability, is probably one of the top choices for Elites. I have a couple of Apothecaries waiting in the wings after I give a few more things a try, and I settle on what my core army is going to be.

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