Re-Binging In Quarantine: Why Re-Reading Harry Potter was my favorite part of this summer by Kasvi Malhotra

My zoom-tired eyes flitted across my childhood bedroom once again landing on my makeshift bookshelf bang in the middle of my cupboard. Specifically, it landed on my hand-me-down, slightly battered copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as different parts of my brain heaved a collective sigh. ‘Again?’  ‘Well, it has been a while’ … Continue reading Re-Binging In Quarantine: Why Re-Reading Harry Potter was my favorite part of this summer by Kasvi Malhotra

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Finding Magic in the Mundane by Aarohi Sheth

Finding Magic in the Mundane: How Walking Saved My Mental Health during Quarantine All the houses in Cerritos, CA look the same. They’re all earth-toned suburban structures with perfectly manicured lawns and driveways lined with rose bushes. Simple, but predictable, much like everything else in the city: there’s a huge auto square, a shopping center… Continue reading Finding Magic in the Mundane by Aarohi Sheth

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Chef Arjun

Feb 21st, 2019 I’m not sure why I decided to start my culinary career with fried chicken, but as so many of my friends love to remind me, it makes for a good story. Of course, being the idiot freshmen that we were, we started the chicken with no idea of what to do. One… Continue reading Chef Arjun

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Tomorrow by Nandini Talwar

tomorrow will come quickly and sun’s light will stream through my warm body again. for now, i hold my body close in the gentle, foggy evening, the wind tugging on my armhairs, calling me to feast. a feast of nothing, with heated purpose of stillness. the sound is nothingness, like when I am supine on… Continue reading Tomorrow by Nandini Talwar

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Rooted by Aaryana Kunte

Let me preface this by saying I wish I had an objectively cooler quarantine activity to write about. My sourdough starter came and went a sticky mess, no 6-pack has emerged from my torso, and I still suck at juggling. My two options for this are plants and knitting; strap yourselves in for a wild… Continue reading Rooted by Aaryana Kunte

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