Ethiopian food is rich, tasty and varied. It is a blend of African, Arabic and East Asian influences, and is known for its spicy flavours and use of a variety of herbs and spices. Some of the most popular dishes in Ethiopian cuisine are:

  • Injera: is a type of spongy, sour bread made from teff, a local grain, and is used as a base for most Ethiopian dishes. Injera is eaten by hand and is used to scoop up other foods.
  • Wat: is a spicy stew made with meat (such as lamb or beef), vegetables and a spice mixture known as berbere. Berbere is a mixture of chilli, ginger, garlic, onion and other spices.
  • Tibs: is a meat dish sautéed with onions, peppers and garlic. It can be spicy or not and is served with injera.
  • Kitfo: is a kind of tartar meat, raw or cooked, which is mixed with spices and served with injera.
  • Shiro: a thick stew made of chickpeas or beans and a mixture of spices.
  • Doro Wat: a spicy chicken stew made with onion, chilli and a mixture of spices.

In addition to these dishes, Ethiopian food also includes a variety of salads, vegetarian dishes and sweet desserts, such as baklava and dabo kolo (a type of biscuit). It is also common to drink Ethiopian coffee, which is traditionally brewed and served with a special ceremony.

Gonder Restaurant – Madrid

Gonder restaurant is an Ethiopian restaurant located in the city of Madrid, Spain. It is located in the Lavapiés neighbourhood and offers authentic Ethiopian food in a cosy and friendly atmosphere.

At Gonder, you can try some of the traditional dishes of Ethiopian cuisine, such as injera, wat, tibs and shiro, among others. They also offer vegetarian and vegan options, such as vegetarian shiro and misir wat (a lentil stew).

The restaurant has a typical Ethiopian décor, with brightly coloured paintings and fabrics that give it a cheerful and vibrant atmosphere. They also have live music on some days of the week, which creates an even more authentic and entertaining experience.

If you are interested in trying Ethiopian food in Madrid, Gonder is an excellent choice for a delicious and authentic meal. Watch Gonder Restaurant