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1984 Peraves Super Ecomobile

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The first vehicles were manufactured in 1984 under the name "Oemil" (OEkoMobIL) or "Peraves Oemil" with a BMW R 100 engine through S/N 5003, and a BMW K 100 offered after that.
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  1. Sonny912:10
  2. Chris76de2:14
  3. buellgary2:20
  4. opallia2:24
  5. racoonstar2:47
  6. Mirage12002:55
  7. Twinkletinkle2:58
  8. john883:08
  9. Bjca3:21
  10. ColdMn3:38


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gear down for landing!


What Googly said. ;)


"To make the closed cab practical, hinged support wheels are mounted on both sides. These are lowered or raised by a switch on the handlebars."

Looks like you would get a leg wet when its raining to hold it up!
( Or lose one of those small wheels on sharp curves!)

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