Sad Paintings.

42 Pins
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Piccsy Mobile Horror, Portrait, Art, Gothic Art, Creepy Art, Creepy, Evil, Eyeball, Dark Art
Piccsy Mobile
Jeff Langevin | Art Art Photography, Street Art, Trash Polka, Cool Art, Amazing Art, Art Reference, Artsy, Art Sketches
Jeff Langevin
Jeff Langevin | Art
The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale is a 20 multiple choice question depression test. Prison, Banksy, Fotografie, Soundcloud, Gcse Art, Ilustrasi, Dark Side, Visual
High Doses of Vitamin B6 Can Help Reduce Depression and Anxiety
The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale is a 20 multiple choice question depression test.
Haven's Drawing in Chapter Three after a night terror
Haven's Drawing in Chapter Three after a night terror
Tumblr Art Drawings, Painting & Drawing, Surreal Art, Art Inspo, Fine Art
I have a 3-year-old, which means I spend half my life trying not to lose my sh*t. Emotional Art, Artist, Picture, Fotografia, Resim
How I Deal With My Threenager (Without Losing My Sh*t)
I have a 3-year-old, which means I spend half my life trying not to lose my sh*t.
Antoine Stevens - love the expressive range Graffiti, Toile, Artwork, Expressive Art
"Autoportrait" // Antoine Stevens
Antoine Stevens - love the expressive range
Besten Bilder, Videos und Sprüche und es kommen täglich neue lustige Facebook Bilder auf DEBESTE.DE. Hier werden täglich Witze und Sprüche gepostet! Meme, Kata-kata, Fotos, Zitate, Frases, Phrase, Infj, Me Quotes, Powerful Images
Nicht jeder der lacht, ist auch wirklich grücklich..
Besten Bilder, Videos und Sprüche und es kommen täglich neue lustige Facebook Bilder auf DEBESTE.DE. Hier werden täglich Witze und Sprüche gepostet!
We all need someone to be there for us with our broken pieces... Drawing Faces, Draw, Sad Drawings, Drawing Sketches, Drawings, Sad Art, Cool Art Drawings, Sketches Of Love
We all need someone to be there for us with our broken pieces...
I'LL HEAR YOUR CONFESSION NOW!  SO MAKE IT A GOOD ONE! Eerie, Strange, Bizarre, The Darkest, Nostalgia, Scary, Macabre
Someone has her in stitches. Vampires, Fantasy Art, Dark Beauty, Dark
Someone has her in stitches.
Surrealism, Artists, Art Gallery, Art Pictures
Anime Boy with Angel Wings | Angel Boy Dri by Aressian Manga, Anime Boys, Anime Art, Fan Art, Angel Drawing, Angel Art, Anime Drawings, Wings Drawing, Anime Angel
Angel Boy Dri by Aressian on DeviantArt
Anime Boy with Angel Wings | Angel Boy Dri by Aressian
Amazing art Drawing Hands, Drawing Eyes, Wings, Art Tattoo, Cool Drawings
Amazing art
Olhos Collage, Kunst, Rita
Would make a cool tattoo / life logo Tattoos, Quotes, Doodles, Lyrics, Lyric Drawings, Meaningful Drawings, Quotes Deep
Would make a cool tattoo / life logo
Şeytanlarım Marvel
Depresyonun Nasıl Bir Şey Olduğunu Sanatla Anlatanlardan 29 Ürkütücü Çizim
Never ending torment.-- jr Drawing & Painting
Never ending torment.-- jr
John Kenn est né au Danemark, il écrit et dirige des émissions de télévision pour enfants, mais à ses heures perdues, il dessine sur des Post-it un univers enfantin lugubre remplis de monstres gigantesques et de formes inquiétantes. Animation, Creepy Monster, Monsters, Creepy Drawings, Paranormal, Monster Drawing
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John Kenn est né au Danemark, il écrit et dirige des émissions de télévision pour enfants, mais à ses heures perdues, il dessine sur des Post-it un univers enfantin lugubre remplis de monstres gigantesques et de formes inquiétantes.
Rosana Raven - Don Kenn Portraits, Scary Art, Edward Gorey, Don Kenn
Rosana Raven - Don Kenn
Mrs Dragon_Dave Correia Croquis, Alex Pardee, Wendigo
Dave Correia Art
Mrs Dragon_Dave Correia
Mascaras de muerte Gothic, Art And Illustration, Non Fiction, Creepy Cute
Mascaras de muerte
The Monster Under Your Bed… John Kenn Mortensen’s Sticky Monsters
The Monster Under Your Bed… John Kenn Mortensen’s Sticky Monsters
The Monster Under Your Bed… John Kenn Mortensen’s Sticky Monsters
The Morrighan. Also known as the Morrigu, the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of War, Fate and Death. She also presided over rivers, lakes, fresh water, in addition to being the patroness of revenge, night, magic, prophecy, priestesses and witches. Her name is interpreted in various forms..."Great Queen," "Phantom Queen" or "Queen of Demons." She was said to hover over battlefields in the form of a raven or hooded crow and frequently foretold or influenced the outcome of the fray.: Foto Poses, Illusion Kunst, Arte Fantasy, Sketch, Beautiful Art, Pics Art
The Morrighan. Also known as the Morrigu, the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of War, Fate and Death. She also presided over rivers, lakes, f… | Morrigan | Pinterest | Art, Drawings and Artwork
The Morrighan. Also known as the Morrigu, the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of War, Fate and Death. She also presided over rivers, lakes, fresh water, in addition to being the patroness of revenge, night, magic, prophecy, priestesses and witches. Her name is interpreted in various forms..."Great Queen," "Phantom Queen" or "Queen of Demons." She was said to hover over battlefields in the form of a raven or hooded crow and frequently foretold or influenced the outcome of the fray.:
Drowning+in+Depression+Art+Print+by+Arlie+Opal+-+$15.00 Feelings, Emotions, Sad Quotes, Words