19 Freaky Cases of Lip Injections Gone Wrong

Nathan Davidson
Updated June 15, 2019 368.7K views 19 items

Deciding to get lip injections is a big life decision that can drastically alter the way someone looks. What is meant to be a facial enhancement or augmentation usually turns into a literal kick in the face, or at least that's what it looks like when the surgery is done. There seem to me more stories about lip plastic surgery gone wrong than there are stories about it going right. The amount of plastic surgery fails and lip injections gone wrong that occur in America every year is astonishing.

Plastic surgeons all over the country continue to turn seemingly normal-looking people into fish-faced monsters. To quote the great Bill Burr, "Can't you look at other facelifts and realize they haven't worked out all the bugs yet?" Take a look at these 19 examples of lip injection nightmares.
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    Farrah Abraham's Extremely Stiff Upper Lip

    The 'Teen Mom" star was just happy to be alive after her lips had an allergic reaction to a numbing agent before her surgery even began. 
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    Amanda Lepore's Lips Don't Lie

    Amanda Lepore's Lips Don't Lie
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Amanda began her journey into the realm of plastic surgery with a sex change operation at the age of 19. Since then, Amanda's had three extreme breast augmentation surgeries, a buttock implant, Botox, a nose job, a forehead lift, her hairline lowered, and several lip injections.
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    Janice Dickinson Gets the Full Lip Service

    Janice Dickinson Gets the Full Lip Service
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    Janice unfortunately became addicted to plastic surgery. Even after friends urged her to stop, Janice got her breasts enlarged, a tummy tuck, both neck and face-lifts, liposuction, and lip injections.
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    How Low Can LiLo Go?

    How Low Can LiLo Go?
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    The long list of bad decisions Lindsay has made include her botched lip injections. Famed plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn said, “Lindsay’s lips look like two smoky link sausages. They appear to have been plumped up to the max with a filler like Restylane or Juvederm.”
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    That Look Ain't Working, Working Girl

    That Look Ain't Working, Working Girl
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Melanie Griffith had a lip augmentation procedure to have fuller lips, but the surgery caused her to have overfilled lips that made her look almost like fish lips.
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    Why, Nikki Cox? Why?!?

    Poor Nikki decided to mess with perfection at the age of 34, getting cheek and lip implants, turning America's ginger crush into the artist formerly known as Nikki Cox.
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    The Lips of Hazzard

    Rumors about Jessica's botch lip fillers began after she posted a picture on Instagram in 2014 with her lips looking extremely puffy. Plastic surgery experts agree that Jessica might have injected more lip filler too soon or just too much at once.
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    How Courtney Became A Cougar

    The former 'Friends' star has admitted to botox, but she has yet to come clean about her lip injections. One has to wonder whether her plastic surgery nightmares led to her divorce from David Arquette and her permanent Cougar Town address.
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    Oh Make Me Over... Again

    Oh Make Me Over... Again
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    Courtney started her plastic surgery career with a nose job before getting a face lift and some lip injections. Now Courtney's 'Celebrity Skin' is almost unrecognizable.
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    From Daryl to Devil

    Daryl "Splashed" onto the plastic surgery nightmare scene with some seriously bad lip injections.
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    Dang, Donatella!

    Dang, Donatella!
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    Donatella once said, "Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas" and this could not be more true with regards to her plastic surgery failures. The famous fashion designer is the poster child for plastic surgery disasters.
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    Mission Impossible: Ghost Face Protocol

    Mission Impossible: Ghost Face Protocol
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    French actress Emmanuelle Beart used to be one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood before she let her inner-demons ruin her face with plastic surgery. Emmanuelle was quoted as saying, "I had lips surgery when I was 27 years old and it ruined my face." Emmanuelle recently launched a campaign designed to raise awareness about the side-effects of surgical procedures for cosmetic reasons.
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    Beauty & The Beast

    Beauty & The Beast
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    Jocelyn Wildenstein is known as "The Lion Woman of New York" thanks to over a dozen plastic surgeries in an attempt to win her husband back. Not only did Jocelyn get several lip injection treatments, she also received canthopexy, a procedure that elevates the eyes to give them a catlike appearance.
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    Lara Flynn Boiled

    Lara Flynn Boyle's plastic surgery circus began in 2008. The most dramatic of all of her surgery sins was the lip augmentation she got in 2009 that made her practically unrecognizable.
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    Mona Lisa Rinna

    Mona Lisa Rinna
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    Lisa Rinna calls herself a 'lip injection pioneer' and claims she wouldn't change a thing about her lips. 
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    You've Got Lips

    Meg Ryan became essentially unrecognizable after she had multiple laser resurfacings, way too much Botox, and lip injections. 
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    Michelle Romanini Puts The "Man" In Romanini

    Michelle Romanini Puts The "Man" In Romanini
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    The Italian socialite was once considered one of the most beautiful women in Italy before she went under the knife. Now Michele is on the top of almost every botched plastic surgery list thanks to multiple lip collagen injections that made her lips look like two Olive Garden breadsticks sandwiched together.
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    Bewitched by Plastic Surgery

    In a crime against her own natural beauty, Nicole Kidman's lips injections drastically altered her appearance.
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    Renee Zelwegger: The Edge of Plastic Surgery Reason

    Renee Zelwegger: The Edge of Plastic Surgery Reason
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    Renee's natural facial expression always looked like she'd just finished sucking on a lemon, but plastic surgery only made things worse. She made her return to the public eye looking drastically different than she did in her prime.