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      Forbidden Fruit Reviews

      Mar 6, 2011

      This was a thoughtful film which avoided most of the coming-of-age story cliches and the two young actresses who played the leads were both very good. I have some quibbles - an older sister character was two dimensional and not believable - but would still definitely recommend this movie.

      Jan 17, 2011

      This is a sensitive and sympathetic coming of age story about two young women wrestling with the belief system they were brought up in. I thought it was an honest portrayal of the conflict between the internalized beliefs that children inherit from their parents and the need for them to find their own way. Sometimes it is possible to both believe in something and at the same time to question it, and the way that this conflict resolved itself for each of the two main characters represented different ways that this process can play itself out.

      Nov 25, 2010

      A special screening at our Film Club with the Director presenting the film and doing a Q&A afterwards. Two pretty girls from a very restrictive Conservative Laestadian revival faith community, go alone to Helsinki for the first time... try out things, get in trouble, return and reconsider their lives. I liked the film, and not just for its beautiful pictures. Very realistic in many ways, sad, yet uplifting. I felt for the girls, can only imagine how hard it must be to go out in the world with little skills to *cope* with it. Happy ending though, I think...

      Nov 6, 2010

      'Don't touch coz I don't exist' The background music is powerful.

      Oct 10, 2010

      This surprisingly good YA drama from the talented new Finnish director Dome Karukoski is actually much more than just about young adults. The two protagonists face the struggles between their very strict religions and their desires from the heart. It's a modern version of "Sense and Sensibility" that has an edge to it but also shows tenderness and compassions.

      Aug 16, 2010

      nice movie, great music

      Jul 19, 2010

      An interesting story about two young laestadian girls trying to seek life outside their religion. After a summer spent in the city everything's changed.

      Jun 28, 2010

      Tata voisi ihan suositella. Yleensa mua arsyttaa elokuvien loppuratkaisut suuresti, mutta loppuratkaisukin oli miellyttava!

      May 16, 2010

      This was a weird one. On the other hand, the theme was very interesting but some of the storylines were plain stupid. The actors, especially the girls were great and the feelings just so real and honest.

      Feb 28, 2010

      Suomalaisten teinityttöjen kasvutarinaa... no juu..

      Jan 27, 2010

      Tosi hyvä elokuva, kuten Dome Karukosken leffat yleensäkin on :D

      Jan 18, 2010

      Lestat lähtee kaupunkiin, huonostihan siinä käy. Vähän boring story mut söpöjä kundeja ja domen ohjaukset on aina hienoja.

      Dec 20, 2009

      beautifully shot scenes, but the whole movie is too repetitive and not very interesting.

      Dec 8, 2009

      Deux ados finlandaises lutheriennes laestadienne qui saluent leur homologues par des "Jumalan terve" partent à la découverte de la ville et donc du monde. Et le film de nous presenter de ce choc des cultures tous les passages attendus peu subtilement en usant de raccourcis scenaristiques... Le denouement est aussi celui que l'on devine. Beaucoup de maladresses et de cliches donc mais une image assez jolie et une actrice formidable qui incarne la blonde Raakel. Et un clin d'oeil amusant : l'initiation a l'alcool se fait par le cidre... Kielletty hedelma... :-)

      Oct 23, 2009

      Heh heh, voi vittu mitä paskaa! Heti ekan viiden minuutin aikana kun selvis että elokuvassa näyttelee Olavi Uusivirta, tiesin että mitään mestariteosta on turha odottaa. Siinä nimittäin tyyppi jolla on ollut onni esiintyä useammassakin elokuvassa ilman näyttelijänlahjoja. Lopussa tosin repesin nauruun, kun tyttö tunnustaa pojalle "mä oon vanhoillislestadiolainen" samalla äänenpainolla kuin "olen alkoholisti" tai "myyn persettä". Ja yhen ex-uskiksen nykyään lesbon (jota kylläkin näyttelee varsin näyttävä Malla Malmivaara) tyttöystäväksi on valittu joku maailman luotaantyöntävimmän näköinen tapaus... Loppuratkaisu ei tavallaan yllättäny, mutta mitä tällä elokuvalla halutaan sanoa? Ainakaan mulle ei sanoma menny perille. Voi tietysti olla, että olen hieman yksinkertainen, mutta ei tätä elokuvaakaan älyköille ole tehty. Kovasti näitä elokuvia Suomessa nykyään tehään, ja eihän siinä mitään, työllistävä vaikutus jne. Mutta ei kyllä huvittais katella paskoja elokuvia vaan sen takia että ne on suomalaisia. Onneks on sentään Tuntematon sotilas, Mikko Niskanen ja Kaurismäki. Ja muutama muu poikkeus. Joihin tämä elokuva ei kylläkään kuulu.

      Sep 27, 2009

      Tykkäsin tosi paljon. Kosketti minua.

      Aug 24, 2009

      Odotin Dome Karukoskelta enemman aikasempien elokuvien perusteella.

      Aug 15, 2009

      I watched this movie purely by accident and I'm glad I did. The movie is about two highly religious girls who dicide to go and explore the world - move to a big city for the summer. They want to see and experience some things that are against their religion. The movie reveals mysteries (at least to me) about certain branch revivalist movement (or pentecostalism???). I'm not at all religious person so it's nice to get a bit of an insight about the choices and difficultyes of being highly religious with all kinds of restrictions about all different fields of life. The cast is great and the two girls are really good in their roles. Some of the sideroles are filled with so typical (and wornout) finnish faces and this is one of the reasons I've not been interested in domestic films. The movie is interesting and thought provoking. The rules of the religion are very strong and it must be terribly hard to even consider leaving the "cult" and the thought of living life abandoned by all you friends, family & loved ones seems crushing. But the message of the movie is good and strong. I would encourage people to watch it just out of curiosty since it most defenitely made me understand the people living "under their burden of the religion" a little better. I try not to judge anyone but it seems that this is allready done by the religious community by them self to them selves. As an outsider it is really hard to believe the strength of their conviction.

      Aug 10, 2009

      Kummallista katsoa kavrua elokuvassa. Nämä uskovaisjutut tekevät aina kipeää. Arvasin lopun ensimmäisen kymmenen minuutin aikana. Toisaalta ymmärrän molempien neitojen reaktiot...

      Aug 2, 2009

      Vahingossa tykkäsin tästä.

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