Yearning for a world with peace

A world with peace

Have you ever imagined a world full of happiness, laughter, love, and getting along with everyone in the world? These are the thoughts that come to my mind when I think of peace and how the world can be full of hope. Right now, there is a lot that is going on in every corner of the world. The ongoing pandemic, racism, bullying, being harassed for wanting to accept yourself the way you are, climate change that is leading to natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, droughts etc.

I like to look back at a certain year that I feel was a really good one and reminisce on the good memories that happened. As our world is going through a rough path, we should learn to be there for one another. We should learn to teach people with kindness and show them love, because everyone deserves to be loved for who they are. The next generations should not go through what we are going through right now. They should be able to live a happy life knowing that they live in a good environment. We need to show equality towards one another. Getting to understand people and trying to help them find a solution to their problem, because this is one among many ways we can lend our helping hands to each and everyone of us.

Earth has given us a palace to call home, we should have respect for it. We should change the world to be a better place and change stars with you and I. Together we can make the world a better place, we can bring peace to our world by doing the simplest things around us and our communities. Remember, change starts with you and I. Let us create a better world for our children and their generations.
