Introduction: Control TV With Any Phone (Even Phones Without IR Blaster)

About: Thank you, Instructables!! I have removed many of my Instructables as along with being cringy :P they lacked proper documentation (thus difficult to replicate) and some didn't even work properly. Please enjo…

Do you want to control your TV and several other gadgets that are IR controlled? Ya but my phone doesn't support it because it doesn't have an IR blaster.Don't worry here a gadget that gives IR control to any phone and the thing it needs is bluetooth!! YES!! bluetooth!! The gadget also increases the range of your control!! As it covers the distance range of bluetooth as well as infrared!! It was made in very less budget and requires some components including arduino uno and bluetooth module! Basically the phone sends signal to HC-05 (bluetooth module) and further bluetooth module sends the characters to arduino's serial port and arduino sends particular IR signal decoded from your remote!! It works with all TV remotes!!I etched the circuit on PCB to make it more efficient and useful!! Here 's a demo video of it but I'll publish full tutorial on making it soon..

Step 1: Libraries

You'll require to install IrLib master library that is attached below. Unzip it and then copy the files to libraries folder of arduino IDE. Either you can install it by directly opening IDE and under sketches install zipped libraries.

Step 2: Things Required

You'll need :-

  • Arduino UNO
  • HC-05 (bluetooth module)
  • IR L.E.D
  • IR Receiver
  • 2N2222 NPN Transistor
  • 470 ohms Resistor
  • 1 Kilo ohms resistor X 3 (Either you can use 1 kilo ohms resistor and 2 kilo ohms resistor)
  • Copper Clad Board
  • Photo Laser Paper
  • Thin Drill Bit usually 0.8 mm to 1.2 mm
  • Printer Cable (Arduino Cable)
  • Ferric Chloride
  • Male Headers
  • Female Headers
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires
  • Soldering Iron
  • Solder
  • Laser Printer
  • Non-Metallic Container
  • Acetone
  • Scissors

Step 3: Receiving Raw Signals

Take IR receiver and connect its :-

  • Signal ------ Digital Pin 11
  • Gnd ------ Gnd
  • Vcc ------ 5v

And then open Irrecvdump example from IrLib master library and the code is attached below also!!

Upload the code and serial monitor.

Step 4: Decoding

After opening the serial monitor press any button of your TV remote in front of IR receiver.You'll see the decoded data on the serial monitor.Don't close the serial monitor until you note down data of all buttons of your remote.

Step 5: Getting Useful Data

Note down the value and the number in bits mentioned in serial monitor for every unique button.See pictures and screenshots for help.Value might be in numbers or alphabets like A90,2CE9 etc. And the value in bits be 12,15 etc.Note only the ones which you want to use via your phone means only the most useful ones.

Step 6: Circuit (Please Ignore Resistance Values in Fritzing Image)

Please refer to circuit in the pictures above,If you are using Arduino Leonardo then connect the resistor wire to Digital Pin 11.Sorry because the resistance value is not 220 ohms it is 470 ohms with transistor and all other are of 1 kilo ohms resistance.Collect all required things and get on to work again.

Step 7: Circuit

The Digital Pin 3 is PWM output that means Pulse Width Modulation.The transistor further corrects the output and 470 ohms resistor helps to reduce current!! Don't fry your bluetooth module.I added a voltage divider circuit to prevent HC-05 from getting damaged!!


Vcc to 5v

Gnd to Gnd

Tx to Digital Pin 0 or Rx

Rx to resistors

Step 8: Modifying Code

In the code attached in next step you may have to do some corrections.Change the value after 0x in code to the value that we noted down earlier and the value after comma in the last of bracket to the value in bits.

Step 9: Uploading

After modifying the code now its time to upload it to arduino remove the connections of HC-05 from Digital Pin 1 and Digital Pin 0.These connections may cause interference while uploading code!!You can further modify the code by changing statements to change the characters sent through bluetooth see the settings section of Bluetooth RC Car Controller App.

Step 10: Install the App

You can install this app from play store and also pair your phone with arduino when it asks about passkeys then either type 0000 or 1234.

Step 11: Connect and Test

Finally connect you phone with arduino and test it,If it doesn't work then check the connections and double check the L.E.D polarity.It will work!! Congratulations if it worked!!

Step 12: Designing the PCB

I used fritzing to design PCB for this project you can download the pdf file below!! Don't worry the file contains the design which will print our in same size as designed! Just print it on photo laser sheets using laser printer.

Step 13: Toner Transferring

Using scrubber or sand paper rub the whole copper clad board to remove any oxidization or stains.Set the iron to maximum heat and then place the sheet on glossy paper and iron the sheet smoothly for about 15 minutes,then you will get proper print.In the picture this one is failed print,if this happens scrub it again using scrubber or sand paper.Try again!!Cut off the extra copper clad board.If you are using ferric chloride as etchant then no need to retry the toner transferring,shade the left lines using permanent marker.

Step 14: Etching

Safety is must while doing etching HCl and ferric chloride both can stain anything that comes in its way and also choose a well ventilated place for etching the PCB.Ferric chloride is better choice because it etches faster and more perfectly than the previous method.Take about 40 grams of ferric chloride and dissolve it in about 100 ml water.The solution must appear brown without board and when we dip it appears somewhat yellowish in color.Not a chemical reaction only reflection of copper!! Dip in it for about 15-20 minutes till the full PCB etches!!

Step 15: Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Dip in it for about 15-20 minutes till the full PCB etches!!But it can take upto 30 minutes also depending on your solution. Keep it in solution until the copper sheet is completely dissolved!!

Step 16: Cleaning

Take out the copper clad board from the solution and then wash it under water and pour some acetone on board removing the toner,you would see a beautifully etched PCB.

Step 17: Drilling

Use a needle like drill bit between 0.8 mm to 1.2 mm and do it with high efficiency,don't drill the copper pads leave their outer copper rings on PCB for perfect soldering. Drill carefully a small mistake can break lines of your hand-crafted PCB.

Step 18: Header Soldering Tips

Bend the tips of female headers as the whole header should be bent to hold the bluetooth module.For the male headers push the small pins inside to increase their length.

Step 19: Soldering

Switch on your soldering iron and solder all the components as directed in schematics and PCB layouts.First of all solder resistors and then other components.Don't apply too much solder all little quantity enough to make the pin and line in contact would be enough!!

Step 20: Power Supply

Take normal phone charger with output of voltage near to 5 volts.Use USB -B type cable or printer cable to connect it to arduino.

Step 21: Done!!

Thanks for seeing my instructable!! This is a very cheap and home made solution for those who don't want to waste much batteries for remotes and want to control almost everything with their mobile phones!!

You can ask if you have any queries !!

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Bye !!

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