MafK, a transcription factor that regulates beta-globin gene expression, undergoes subnuclear relocalization from heterochromatic to euchromatic regions during erythroid differentiation.
... MafK target genes such as heme oxygenase - 1 ( HO - 1 ) and ferritin are oxidative stress - responsive genes . These target genes are repressed and activated by MafK - Bach1 and MafK- Nrf2 heterodimers , respectively ( Igarashi and Sun ...
... Mafk . And whereas pleafure is generally paid with mischief , what mischief I do is to be paid with pleasure . Mel . So when you've fwallow'd the potion , you fweet- en your mouth with a plumb . Mafk . You are merry , fir , but I fhall ...
... Mafk . No , let me have the Honour to be your Ufher .. [ Takes the Torch and goes ins Mafk . within . Help , help , help !: Alon . What's the Matter ? Bel . Stir not upon your Life , Sir . Enter Mafkall again without the Torch . Mafk ...
... Mafk . Sophy . ] Well , I proteft I am glad to see so much good company . - I have a Concerto ready -you will be ravished with it - all the airs of my own compofition . Old Mafk . ] A concert ! -With fubmiffion , ma'am , a good country ...
... Mafk winks and makes figns to him . Ah ! what fignifies your winking and nodding to me ? Isn't it all true , firrah ? Sophy . And do you confess this charge , Sir ? [ To Mask . Mafk . Guilty , upon my honour ! Before mar riage , as I ...
... ( MafK ) protein complexes before and after MEL cell differentiation , we proposed a model that may explain how the enhancer function of the B - globin LCR is regulated ( 18 ) . Before differentiation , MafK / Bachi recruits corepressor ...
... MafK ) heterodimerize with CNC - b - Zip family and exhibit distinct temporal and spatial expression patterns . MafG and MafK are highly expressed in megakaryocytes and ery- throid cells with a predominance of MafG in megakary ...
... Mafk - Mafk is my name , my dear ! and your name too thanks to the parfon . Sop . Mafk ! -I fhall never bear to be called Mask - Mrs Mafk ! -- Such an unmufical appellation ! - -1 fhall never endure it . Mask . Yes , yes , you will ...