Helmi is on average 73 years old. First name Helmi is most popular in the age group 85+ years. There are most people with first name Helmi born augustis.
With first name Helma is 29 woman. The oldest person named Helma is in age group 85+, the youngest in age group 50–54 years. Helma is on average 81 years ...
A. muuda · Aada - Aale - Aare - Aasa - Aave - Aba - Abigail - Ada - Adele - Adeele - Aet - Afanassija - Agaate - Agata - Agatha - Agathe - Age ... Helmi ...
Reading age. 7 - 9 years. Print length. 30 pages. Language. Finnish. Grade level. 2 ... Book overview. Yksilöity satukirja tummaihoisille HELMI-nimisille tytöille ...
The genus Orthosplaochnus Odhner, 1905 (Trematoda: Cam pulidae) was revised, with eight species recognized. Odhneriella Skriabin, 1915 was placed in ...
Apr 30, 2022 · Helmi Laas (Kelk). Birthdate: July 17, 1925. Birthplace: Tamme, Vastemõisa, Suure-Jaani kihelkond, Viljandi maakond, Estonia.
Miss Helmi Hutala at the piano and. Arne Olkkonen, violinist. Detadls information. Think g get a pic of the May Queen for the page, this announcement made in ...
Studying the metal content of a star can therefore give information on its age and the conditions under which it formed. In this survey, the metal composition ...
Jul 15, 2024 · This article explores the changing memory of Soviet mass deportations in Estonian film through a comparative analysis of two features.