Aila on inarinlappalainen muoto Ailista. Virossa sitä pidetään Alice-nimen muunnelmana. Lähellä Ailia on myös toinen saamelainen nimi Laila. Suomalaiseen ...
About AILA · Leadership and Governance · National Office and Staff · Press Releases · Job Listings · Advocacy Tools · Find a Lawyer · Career Center · Help · Log ...
AILA decides on the endorsement of language-related policies and guidelines developed by AILA partner organizations and AILA national affiliates.
2024. aasta 1. jaanuari seisuga on eesnimi Aila 42 naisel. Aila on populaarsuselt 1280. naisenimi. Vanim Aila on vanuserühmas 80–84, noorim vanuserühmas 0 ...
AILA University is the online platform used by AILA, a national bar association and not-for-profit organization, to provide video learning and professional ...
Jun 12, 2018 · Vastaus ... Aila on lappalaisperäinen nimi, joka lienee syntynyt Aili-nimen pohjalta. Aili on alun perin suomalais.saamelainen nimi, ja Aila on ...
With first name Aila is 42 woman. The oldest person named Aila is in age group 80–84, the youngest in age group 0–4 years. Aila is on average 46 years old.
Sukunimien yleisyyslistalla Aila on sijalla 8 832. Verrattuna muihin sukunimiin Aila on lyhyt nimi. Asuinpaikat. Suomen kartta. Asuinpaikkoja
Register now at and specify [Name of your national affiliate] as your national affiliate. No download is necessary – you can use the ...
Issues logging in? Please note that is an entirely separate website from AILA National's, and as such requires its own registration ...