Auni pronunciation from
... Auni . ( Claudian . ( Virgil . ( Petronius . or a trochee , and part of the ensuing word- āmphitry- | -ōniä- | -dēs , aut torvo Jupiter ore . : ۱ Colla di -- a gravibus frustra tentata lacertis . 296 Anal . of Hexam . - First Foot .
Auni pronunciation from
... pronounced in the same way as its synonym / noetu , and the / Auni ( S4 ) and Khatia ( S4a ) word / noi ( Bleek 1956 : 349 ) . Not Witsen ( 1697 III CMM III : 117 , 118 ) wrote several Cape dialectal words for ' not ' , namely tite ...
Auni pronunciation from
... pronounced Aunis , Auni ; Auxerre , Ausserre ; Auxerrois , ( Bouches - du - Rhône ) , Er ; Arveyres , Arvei - ïre ; Auc - cerrois ; Auxonne , Aussone ; Aveyron , Avé- on ; Ay - Champagne , A. , & c . , & c . The foreign names , Anvers ...
Auni pronunciation from
... pronunciation ; for almost all cur English words which have the g hard before e and i are of Erse or Saxon ... auni , haunt , Aaunt , jaunt , and the proper name Saunders ; nor is my ear much accustomed to hear it so pronounced ...
Auni pronunciation from
... [ auni ] ' necessary , ' ordinary , ' primary , ' secondary ' cere.mony , ' har.mony 1. RP ( Received Pronunciation ) : a form of BrE accent which may be regarded as standard and as a model for foreign learners . 2. GA ( General American ) ...
Auni pronunciation from
... pronunciation of the syllable Aum . " A Brahmen , beginning and ending a lecture on the Veda , must always pronounce to himself the syllable Aum ; for unless the syllable Auni precedes , his learning will slip away from him ; and ...
Auni pronunciation from
... pronunciation that Winter has claimed it is not possible to decide whether the available descriptions of the ... Auni ( D. Bleek 1937b : 208 ) . ( She erred in her transcriptions , which should have been / Au , / ' Auo , / ' Auni ...
Auni pronunciation from
... Auni ( S4 ) ! gou , ! kau , Hie ( C1 ) ! gau ' mountain , hill ' ( Bleek 1956 : 387 ) . One wonders whether a more ... pronunciation of u and o ( Bleek 1956 : 246 ) , it is possible to see that the San word #umme ' aloe ' has been ...
Auni pronunciation from
... auni = I go . Măn auma . Witin auya . etc. The perfect , future and imperative require an " a " for euphony's and pronunciation's sake . Here again the present tense only is 3 ) Bălaia . irregular , viz : Yăng aulni I come . Tenses ...
Auni pronunciation from
... pronunciation starts to become a signal for social and cultural identity. Others in the population who wish to be ... auni pati karauni apirition. Translation Enough we have three kids kantha go for operation 66 V. Rajunayak.