Erkki nimi meaning from
... meaning is compared . Summary in German , p . 448 . Copy seen : DLC . 29810. ITKONEN , ERKKI ESAIAS , 1913- Lappalaista merkitsevistä nimi ... ERKKI ESAIAS , 1913- Lappalaisten esihistoriaa va- laisevia sanoja . ( Virittäjä , 1946. no . 4 ...
Erkki nimi meaning from
... meaning of the words are given in Swedish and German . Fasc . 11 contains a ... Erkki : Das Perfekt des Partizips im Lappischen . Commentationes fenno ... nimi ja siihen liittyvä tarina . Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja , Vol . 35 , pp ...
Erkki nimi meaning from
The symbolic aspects are the kern in all the articles of the book Memories of my Town. The aim of the book and its articles has been to use different theoretical concepts as guidelines in analysing the different narrative texts.
Erkki nimi meaning from
... defined by 1 C Si S2 = ( x- Σ ( x − m ; ) ( x − m¿ ) , mi = Σ X Sw = Sir — ni i = 1 x Exi xЄxi where T is matrix transpose . After defining a total mean vector m , between - class scatter matrix SÅ is defined as 1 1 m = Σ X = nimi ...
Erkki nimi meaning from
This book examines phenomena from Finnish and Finnish-Swedish literature written in the years between the 1980s and the first decade of the new millennium.
Erkki nimi meaning from
Tiivistelmä: Tilintarkastuskertomukset ja osakemarkkinat.
Erkki nimi meaning from
... nimi . Helsinki : Teos . Häkkinen , Kaisa and Pia Björqvist 1991 Varhaisnykysuomen yhdyssanat . Sananjalka 33 : 31 ... Erkki 1966 Kieli ja sen tutkimus . Porvoo : WSOY . Jarva , Vesa 2003 Venäläisperäisyys ja ekspressiivisyys ...
Erkki nimi meaning from
This book argues that since the concepts of tradition and modern are fundamentally modern, what they aim to and are able to describe, report and denote is epistemologically modern, as that which is regarded as non-modern and traditional is ...
Erkki nimi meaning from
Positive images of Africa contrast with negative images of misery, war and catastrophes often conveyed by the mass media. This selection of papers debate the images and stereotypes of Africa.