Sep 4, 2024 · Erkki is the devil himself here. Vanha Erkki (old Erkki) is old name to christian devil in Finnish. Sometimes Erkki is paha (bad) or iso ...
Jan 9, 2022 · Tetsu Mika Heiskanen the gender neutral suffix is -bur, which means offspring or child. A child can be named after either parent or both, ...
Sep 11, 2018 · It could be from a Proto-Baltic word meaning 'land' or it could be an ancient Indo-European word meaning 'human', and thus a cognate of the ...
Jul 11, 2011 · Finland Forum's aims to help people to move, get settled and enjoy life in Finland by facilitating access to relevant information.
Meaning it is essen- tially a tribe—and the modern nation state within which it exists is something that is owed to the world order we have, but not ...
The series Uralica Helsingiensia is founded in 2008. It features thematic volumes and mono- graphs on the history, typology and sociology of Uralic ...
Mulle kui nõukogude ideoloogia jäikades raamides üleskasvanud inimesele tähendasid Eesti ja teised Balti riigid keelatud, ihaldatud ja samas kättesaamatu.
Dec 28, 2015 · I don't think of them particularly. When someone has Finn as a name, I recognise that it means 'Finn' in English but that's it.
(Engl. hive) is related to beekeeping and thus probably ancient, the meaning again fits with 'domed, hemispherical', Sw. huv, ...
Nimi on aika kuvaava ja käytän sitä itsekin. (Siirtokarjalaismies, s. 1943 ... Helamaa, erkki 1983: 40-luku, korsujen ja jälleenrakentamisen vuosikymmen.