... acid indigestion. GUH distends the stomach and causes thai full, oppresHlvc, burnlnt; fooling KQinotlnieB known as heartburn. wliiif tho arid irritates and Inflames t!ie delicate llnins of the at nimi-h. Tho trouble lies entirely In the ...
... heartburn or acid indigestion can present a real problem. You should know that just five tablets of the leading ... nimi tnd iddrin. encMii 25 cints tor hindllng. Wi will find you "God't Hiilth ind Hipplnin PUn" thai It blttiing ...
... niMi-. Deprived of the privilege oi eating they d«gire; possessed oi a "gnawing" senthe region of the stomach; having at Jhose "dinrosspd spells," those '-wavy sen- constipation, accompanied by heartburn >.jr stonsacb.thpy *re ...
Ills Stomach Trimble OUT. John U. Darker. Hallle Creek. Mlrh., writes: "I was troubled wilh Heartburn ... niMi-'l lo bo scattered along the road .1 ir i majority of tucks and prnclli-iiiv ex- ••iy macliino Ibai passed down ...
... nimi requires from every olh°r man the best thnt Is In him. But no man can use or got the best that is In himself until he is llrst free from all fretful indispositions and worrlc*. That. W«H my (rouble. I was full of troubles. That s ...
... nimi. via: Jllooii I'oot, Dlail: ttiml, VIM Clierry liiirk, Yellow Duel;, Dandelion, Sarxnimrllla. KMor 1'lou-crs, with others, ]>iiu|tn ini; the tiuwt Infnlllhle remedy tor tUc restoration oi health ever Imowu. IT IK KATUKl'8 0«V ...
... Gerd Von HiimlatcOt )Millit'<l tli» eouslllnu to prevent rcjielltlolis of ' the IlrltHti I'olniiiiliiiH) rnlrt on St ... NIMi. A German court of npponls nt Dnti- snld Gcrmnn police were bolnR nllnekeil .In nil purls of I'olnnil by ...
... stomach, liver, and gall ttladder have been upset by improper eating or ... heartburn, gas and nd dluy ipefls, you may be troubled glnvunK unK ruinr ... Nimi live In relieving symptoms of bilious ness and »cute*gastn'ti5 due to ...
... Gerd Sombor of 775 St. David's lane, Mrs. Jean Hallock of 2040 Lexington parkway, and Mrs. Naomi Hammond of Church ... nimi rillLVlULUIl LUIl ItClUf TfpfflYniP/1 If It It. ARROLL M. de FORKS! Ordination Set Tonight. De Forest is a ...
... nimi anil pliymoians ccrtlly lo tlio pnlilto iho rullablliiy of our lomodlnH, wlulo ulhoi-B have Hunt us the as ... Heartburn, Ifi mlui'Iio itrlu'iift frmn fmU bli,n,ai'h. Nuu-i i, ln,UiTCbti.,n, Morbid Inaction of thu llowela ami ...