Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
A key objective of this book is to synthesise the current state of research for the international scholarly audience.
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
The book as a whole is addressed to a general academic audience concerned with issues of cultural history, while the individual essays are also intended as scholarly contributions within their own fields.
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
In addition to the full papal interview conducted by Antonio Spadaro, SJ, on behalf of the Jesuit journals, A Big Heart Open to God includes an introduction by the editor in chief of America, Matt Malone, SJ, describing the genesis of the ...
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
A full-scale study of the political thought of the Italian jurist, Baldus de Ubaldis (1327-1400).
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
The composition of this work can be allotted to the period of the 540s and 550s. Cassiodorus deploys the psalms not only for the purposes of instruction in theology and hermeneutics, but also to inculcate a general education in eloquence. +
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
There have been several attempts at creating this text, yet none stand up to Lovecraft's own descriptions of the Necronomicon...until now.
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
The Science of Conjecture provides a history of rational methods of dealing with uncertainty and explores the coming to consciousness of the human understanding of risk.
Gregorius "nimi" wikipedia from
Collects the lost books of the Bible, sharing stories of Jesus as a child, discussing other miracles of Mary, and other tales not included in the New Testament.