... Mila's holding job as temporary CEO, standing in for Sonja now settled into her well earned maternity leave, having ... Nimi, Lauren's research executive, was making great strides with accelerating a record number of research ...
... Mila . Liza omrzle pohodí hlavou . Ju ' nezaujímajú ich výbuchy a výsmechy ... nimi , čo sa málo stane . Krásné jej oči dychtivým pozorom zabie- hajú ta ... Mila bola omrzlá , a rečie : - -- Ty , Gréta , nerob ma nervóznou s tou ...
Roy Baldwin. Lauren sent a text to Charlotte , Marie and then Nimi . I'm fine . I'm in Kinshasa and will be with Mila who will contact you shortly and explain . Nobody must worry or do anything . Sorry for the clandestine messages and ...