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Oula Lääkäriasema from
... Oula ( 2008 ) : Salaiset aseveljet . Suomen ja Saksan turvallisuuspoliisiyhteistyö 1933–1944 . Otava , Helsinki ... lääkärit 1952 ( 1953 ) . Suomen lääkäriliitto , Helsinki . Suomi , Juhani ( 2013 ) : Mannerheim . Viimeinen kortti ...
Oula Lääkäriasema from
The first comprehensive reference resource for all those professionals who encounter neuropsychiatric disorders in the young.
Oula Lääkäriasema from
By analysing the experience of Finland, Risto Alapuro shows how upheavals in powerful countries shape the internal politics of smaller countries.
Oula Lääkäriasema from
A 'natural history' of dystopia thus concentrates upon the centrality of the passion or emotion of fear and hatred in modern despotisms. The work of Le Bon, Freud, and others is used to show how dystopian groups use such emotions.
Oula Lääkäriasema from
" Richly detailed with the lushness of a tawdry era in Europe and the Near East, the novel is more tightly plotted than was "The Adventurer," and Michael finds himself smitten by the strange woman of the evil eye who has captured his heart ...