Sylvi Origin and Meaning The name Sylvi is a girl's name meaning "of the forest; sun strength". A sweet and lively name with two distinct derivations. It can be a short form of Sylvia or a variant spelling of its French form Sylvie, meaning "of the forest".
Apr 21, 2024 · Sylvie means "of the forest" and is the French version of Sylvia. Sylvi means "sun strength" and is more Scandinavian (which neither father ...
Sylvi on suomalainen naisen etunimi, latinalaisperäinen Sylvia-nimen muunnelma. Vuoden 2019 loppuun mennessä nimi Sylvi on annettu 15 680 naiselle ja ...
Meaning & History Norwegian and Swedish variant of Solveig. It is also used as a short form of Sylvia.
Sylvi on kansanomainen muoto Sylviasta, joka juontuu latinan metsää tarkoittavasta sanasta ”silva”. Sylvi-nimen suosio kasvoi vuonna 1893 ensimmäistä kertaa ...
Sylvia is a feminine given name of Latin origin, also spelled Silvia. The French form is Sylvie. The name originates from the Latin word for forest Silva.
May 30, 2019 · Sylvi is the Norwegian variant of [name_f]Solveig[/name_f] and shares it's meaning of “sun strength” (which I think is beautiful), rather than [name_f]Sylvia[/ ...
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Sylvi is a unisex's name of Norwegian, Swedish, and Latin origin. Learn about the name Sylvi including nickname ideas, sibling name ideas and more.
Sylvie may be of Latin origin, but this girl's name has a chic French feel. Ancient history enthusiasts might know Sylvie as the mom of Romulus and Remus, ...
Sylvi is a Girl Name pronounced as SIL-vee and means Forest, wood, woodland. The name Sylvi has both Latin and Germanic origins.