Sir William Blackstone (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, justice and Tory politician most noted for his Commentaries on the Laws of ...
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Sir William Blackstone (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, justice and Tory politician most noted for his ''Commentaries on the Laws of ...
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Sir William Blackstone (born July 10, 1723, London, England—died February 14, 1780, Wallingford, Oxfordshire) was an English jurist, whose Commentaries on the ...
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An Analysis of the Laws of England. by Sir William Blackstone 1723-1780 ... Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book the First. by William Blackstone, ... by Sir ...
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Sir William Blackstone's (1723-1780) four-volume Commentaries on the Laws of England assures him a place in history as one of the greatest scholars of English ...
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Title. Sir William Blackstone, 1723-1780. Summary. Sculptured head, facing front. Created / Published. c1917 April 28. Notes. - G54090 U.S. Copyright Office ...
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Blackstone, William, 1723-1780: An abridgment of Blackstone's commentaries on the laws of England : intended for the use of young persons, and comprised in a ...
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The First London Edition of Blackstone's Commentaries Blackstone, Sir William [1723-1780]. Commentaries on the Laws of England. In Four Books.
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