A given name mostly used in Germany and Scandinavia. If your name is Henning, you're probably extremly hot and incredibly good in bed.
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a person who cares for the needs of others (especially in an overprotective or interfering way) stop that, you mother hen.
Used to describe poor business decisions based on ones political beliefs. "She was fine with her staff harassing her conservative customers, she was red henning ...
The act of searching the house for snacks for a prolonged period of time, typically when stoned. “Tyler, stop henning around so we can start this movie”.
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A term used by pre-op male to female trans people to describe their penis. Used to avoid genital dysphoria.
randomly posting to up your post count has been wildly reported across the internet and has gained the name "dropped a henning"
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A 17 year old girl who is beautiful and is an amazing softball player! She enjoys Friday night football games and partying it up with her friends.
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A given name mostly used in Germany and Scandinavia. If your name is Henning, you're probably extremly hot and incredibly good in bed.
Henning definition: Present participle of hen.
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A term used to describe a woman of large proportions or large and in charge, usually in excess of 200 pounds, by a male who finds this body type attractive.