Kaija is a feminine name whose meaning resembles more than good intentions. As a Finnish variation of the Greek Katherine, Kaija means "pure," evoking innocence and virtuous ideals. Already a charming appellation for a newborn, Kaija's ties to the Hebrew name Chava, which means "life," makes it all the more fitting.
Oct 4, 2024
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May 7, 2024 · According to the former, it is believed to have been derived from the Latvian term 'kaija,' which means 'seagull.
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Kaija Kokkola (born 10 September 1962), better known by her stage name Kaija Koo, is a Finnish singer. Kaija Koo. Kaija Koo performing at 2013 Rakuunarock ...
Kaija is a Finnish variant of Katherine, used as an independent name. It's popularity peak was in the later 1940s. Pronounced "Kye-ya".
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Nov 23, 2023 · Surname Info ( Sukunimi-info in Finnish) consists of 24,285 family names found in Finland. Learn interesting facts about Finnish surnames ...
The Finnish name Kaija comes from the Greek word katharos meaning pure.
Kaija is a contemporary feminine personal name thought to have arisen as a Finnic variant of the name Katrin, or alternatively from Katariina.
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A 20th century invention, from a Russian pet form of Raisa, or formed by rhyming with the traditional names Maija and Kaija.
Kaija Järventausta MD, PhD; Psychiatrist; Tampere University Hospital. Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri – Esittäjän nimi. 2. ECT in Finland. First remarks of ECT in ...
The study shows that the concept of love based on the medieval practices of courtly love, and the associated longing for another defined by almost 1,000 years ...