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Liina is on average 43 years old. First name Liina is most popular in the age group 35–39 years. There are most people with first name Liina born mais. Most ...
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Liina is an Estonian feminine given name and may refer to: Liina Brunelle (born 1978), actress. Liina Kersna (born 1980), journalist and politician.
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Liina on naisenimi. 1. jaanuari 2018 seisuga oli Eestis eesnimi Liina 2609 naisel. Liina on Eestis populaarsuselt 56. naisenimi.
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Liinan nimipäivä on samana päivänä kuin Pauliinan, 22. kesäkuuta. Suomessa nimi Liina oli vuoden 2009 loppuun mennessä annettu 1 891 henkilölle.
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With first name Liine is 43 woman. The oldest person named Liine is in age group 85+, the youngest in age group 0–4 years. Liine is on average 28 years old.
Liina LINDSTRÖM, Professor | Cited by 185 | of University of Tartu, Tartu | Read 50 publications | Contact Liina LINDSTRÖM.
Yksilöity satukirja LIINA-nimisille tytöille! Tyttö herää, eikä muista ... Reading age, 7 - 9 years. Grade level, 2 - 3. Item Weight, 3.53 ounces.
Birthday August 2, 1998 ; Birth Sign Leo ; Birthplace Estonia ; Age 26 years old.
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It is a well-established finding that compared to the employed, the unemployed have poorer health and higher mortality.