May 1, 2021 · English. vappu, May Day. vappupäivä, 1st of May. vappuaatto ... “Nimi vappu tulee 700-luvulla eläneestä baijerilaisesta abbedissa Valburgista.
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Apr 28, 2019 · This celebration was named after the English catholic saint Walburg or Walpurga (Valburg in Finnish). She was made a saint on the 1st of May ...
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The Finnish name for May Day, “Vappu”, originates from Catholic St. Walpurgis, whose commemoration day was celebrated on the 1st of May. The first May Day ...
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Apr 20, 2018 · Vappu – A celebration of the coming of spring. Walpurgis Night or Vappu in Finnish (Vappen in Finland-Swedish) is one of the biggest ...
Find all translations of vappu in English like May Day, the First of May and many others.
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On Vappu, or Valpuri (May 1), the “Little Summer” is about to begin and it will last until mid- summer. There are only eight weeks to Juhannus, during which all ...
April 30 and May 1 are called Vappu in Finnish and Valborg in Swedish, which is also an official language in Finland. Walpurgis is the English word, referring ...
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Etunimi Vappu on suomalainen muunnos alkuaan saksalaisesta nimestä Walburg(a) 'hallita' + 'linna, turva'. Suosituimmillaan nimi on ollut 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla.
Apr 30, 2016 · Vappu (May Day) is a celebration that has developed from its pagan origin as a spring celebration into a nation-wide urban carnival in Finland.
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Apr 28, 2013 · tippaleipä - MEANING: Compound noun: Funnel cake. (Literally, "drip bread" or "drop bread," which refer to how it's made.