Helmi is on average 73 years old. First name Helmi is most popular in the age group 85+ years. There are most people with first name Helmi born augustis.
With first name Helma is 29 woman. The oldest person named Helma is in age group 85+, the youngest in age group 50–54 years. Helma is on average 81 years ...
Virolaiset nimet ovat äärimmäisen kauniita. Selaile täältä virolaisia nimiä ja ylläty siitä, kuinka julmetun nättejä ne ovat.
Reading age. 7 - 9 years. Print length. 30 pages. Language. Finnish. Grade level. 2 ... Book overview. Yksilöity satukirja tummaihoisille HELMI-nimisille tytöille ...
Studying the metal content of a star can therefore give information on its age and the conditions under which it formed. In this survey, the metal composition ...
Apr 30, 2022 · Helmi Laas (Kelk). Birthdate: July 17, 1925. Birthplace: Tamme, Vastemõisa, Suure-Jaani kihelkond, Viljandi maakond, Estonia.
Helmi was born on month day 1895, in birth place. They had 8 ... Oskari married Kaisa Kristiina, Erkintytär Hanhivaara (born Eira / Mattila (tilan nimi)).