Joo Kodit offers rental apartments in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkkonummi, Tampere, Turku, Oulu, and many other locations around Finland.
Joo Kodeilla on vuokrakoteja Helsingissä, Espoossa, Vantaalla, Kirkkonummella, Tampereella, Turussa, Oulussa ja monissa muissa kaupungeissa.
Jooppi is our web app for Joo Kodit residents to manage their home, simplify their life, and enjoy exclusive benefits. Sign up now.
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We now offer furnished apartments for your company's accommodation needs. Joo Group owns nearly 8000 Joo Kodit homes in Finland's growth centres. In the future, ...
The Joo team's care and assistance – we'll look after you and your apartment! Zero deposit guarantee. Pet-friendly apartments. Your pet is as welcome as you are.
Joo Group – reinventing urban living. Here at Joo Group, we develop, own and rent out carefree Joo Kodit apartments. We already own 7,500 homes in Finland's ...
(5) Overview Reviews About. Reviews. 5 • Poor. In the Real Estate Rental Agency category. Visit this website · www.joo- ...
Contact us. · 020 766 1390. (Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost: mcc/lnc.) Offices and contacts · About Joo. Group. Rent an apartment.
Huoletonta vuokra-asumista. Sanomalla Joo uskomme mahdollisuuksiin ja uusiin alkuihin. . Follow.
Contact us. · 020 766 1390. (Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost: mcc/lnc.) Offices and contacts · About Joo. Group. Rent an apartment.