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What does netta mean in English?
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What is Netta short for in Scotland?
What is the origin of the name neta?
Netta is a feminine name of Latin and Hebrew origins. Serving as an adorable nickname for Antoinetta, it translates to “priceless,” or “praiseworthy.”
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Netta is a short form of many names ending -netta, including Aquanetta, Arnetta, Dawnetta, Janetta and Jenetta, as part of the largest etymological root of ...
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With first name Netta is 5 woman. Statistics data is as of 01. jaanuar 2024. Netta - name statistics. If you think the name Netta is suitable for a new world ...
Netta is a girl's name meaning "plant". Netta is the 923 ranked female name by popularity.
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Jun 27, 2024 · Netta, a feminine name of Hebrew origin, is believed to be a spelling variant of Neta, meaning 'plant' or 'shrub.'
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Sep 11, 2007 · Nimikirjoissa Netta mainitaan yleisesti lyhentymänä nimestä Agneta, joka taas perustuu nimeen Agnes. Agnes-nimen merkitys on 'siveä, puhdas'.
Yksilöity satukirja NETTA-nimisille tytöille! Tyttö herää, eikä muista nimeään. Hikka-Hiiri osaa ratkaista pulman. Hän vie tytön taikabussillaan ...
Find all translations of netta in English like unwind and many others.
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Netta on suomalainen naisen etunimi, joka juontaa juurensa kreikan kielen sanasta "nous" eli "meri". Nimi Netta voidaan kääntää merkitsemään myös "puhdas" tai " ...
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