With first name Auni is 11 woman. AUNI name day is 21. Jaanuar (Age, Agi, Agne, Agnes, Agneta, Aune, Auni, Ines, Neta). You can find all name days of ...
With the first name Age is 385 woman people. Age is on average 44 years old. Age name is most popular first name in the age group 50–54 a.
This publication of Treasury's Office of Foreign. Assets Control ("OFAC") is designed as a reference tool providing actual notice of actions.
The first is called WATERSHED. This program performs all operations of the WATERSHED process for one river basin. The second is a sub-program called NETWORK.
Age, Agi, Agne, Agnes, Agneta, Aune, Auni, Ines, Neta. 22.01, Luule, Luuli. 23.01, Reeno, Rene, Räni. 24.01, Naima, Naimi. 25.01, Paap, Paavel, Paavo, Paul.
A. muuda · Aada - Aale - Aare - Aasa - Aave - Aba - Abigail - Ada - Adele - Adeele - Aet - Afanassija - Agaate - Agata - Agatha - Agathe - Age - Agle - Agne ...
Reading age. 6 - 8 years. Print length. 28 pages. Language. Finnish. Grade level. 1 ... Yksilöity satukirja AUNI-nimisille tytöille! Tyttö herää, eikä muista ...