Erno Origin and Meaning The name Erno is a boy's name meaning "serious, resolute".
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Mar 8, 2024 · Most commonly seen in Finland, Erno means “serious,” “determined,” and “earnest.” This name is considered to be a variation of the sophisticated Ernest.
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Erno is a masculine given name of Hungarian origin, derived from the ancient Germanic name Ernust, meaning “serious” or “strong-willed”.
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What does Erno mean? ... The meaning of Erno is : a Finnish word meaning serious and determined., a Finnish word meaning serious and determined. Gender, Boy.
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Erno is a male first name in Finland. In Hungary, the name appears as Ernő. Erno's name day is celebrated on March 13th. According to the Digital and ...
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ERNO on saksalainen yritys, joka kehittää lentokoneita ja kantorakettien moottoreita. Erno on suomalainen miehen etunimi. Unkarissa nimi esiintyy muodossa Ernő.
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This surname means 'clearing, opening, glade, meadow or burnt-beaten field overgrown with grass'. It was originally a house name given based on the location of ...
Oct 24, 2022 · It's a honorific, a type of title you give to someone you respect, sort of like Japanese '-san'. Sword-nimi is the respectful name Szeth gives to the sword.
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The name Erno is of Hungarian origin and is derived from the Germanic name Ernest. The Hungarian form of Ernest is Ern, which has been anglicized as Erno.
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Erno name meaning and origin. What does Erno mean? From the Old High German eornost, meaning "earnest" or "serious".
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