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35 Things We Know About Gemma Atkinson's Fitness & Workout Routine

She's one of the hardest working celebrity fitties going

gemma atkinson

Gemma Atkinson's fitness enthusiasm is one of the things that makes her so relatable on Instagram. From sharing red-faced postworkout selfies to those days when pizza in bed is the only answer (#same), her approach to her workouts and fitness routine is about balance. Equal measures putting in the work to respecting her body's need to recover and rest, Gemma's attitude is exactly right when it comes to staying fit. Cardio workouts, resistance training and spicy circuit training – nothing is undoable for the GA.

From how she likes to sweat (it's pretty badass) to working with her PT at Ultimate Performance, working out at home, setting an example for her daughter Mia and staying in the right mindset, we've rounded up every way she likes to get fit done. Scroll on for a heavy serve of inspiration.


She keeps her exercise routine consistent

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Gemma's stable workout routine is what keeps her constantly progressing, something anyone who’s embarked on a fitness journey will know about.

Unfortunately, random and sporadic training isn't going to reap the rewards you want. In fact, a Skidmore College study found that resting for longer than a week could slow your metabolism by 4%.

'Muscle strength is preserved initially, but after two to four weeks, you'll see losses in strength and muscle size,' says Dr Graeme Close, reader in Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism at Liverpool St John Moores University. Keep to a healthy schedule and watch the rewards come.

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She uses a range of free weights

Do you know that barbells, kettlebells and dumbbells all fall into the same category of gym equipment? Well, now you do. Known as "free weights" due to the fact that you control their movement (unlike a fixed machine), they're brilliant bits of kit to build strength and sculpt muscle.

Here Gemma shows us her home gym and how she uses free weight exercises to build balanced strength throughout her lower body.

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She loves to skip

The benefits of skipping are numerous – it's a great cardio workout, a cheap bit of kit and can be done almost anywhere there's enough room to swing a rope.

RELATED: 11 skipping workouts to get your heart rate up and blood pumping.

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She uses resistance bands

Versatile bits of kit, resistance bands are easy to transport and can be seriously challenging when used effectively. Here Gemma demonstrates a simple rowing movement that works her back, arms and core.

RELATED: Knowhow to do a bent over row properly? Learn today.

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She sets goals

Setting goals is the key to making progress. Without them, training can become aimless and stagnant. The key is to set manageable, realistic goals that work with you, not against you. It'll help keep your head in the game and feet on the ground.

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She loves a weighted vest

Working out in a weighted vest adds a serious challenge to a workout. You're carrying extra load and trying to keep good form whilst doing, making resistance training and cardio workouts that much harder as a result. Gemma loves her weighted vest because it's portable and easy to travel with. We love it because it makes us feeling fairly badass...

RELATED: Here's what happened when WH digital fitness writer, Morgan Fargo, tried Gemma Atkinson's weighted vest workout

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She does compound exercises

gemma atkinson fitness

One type of movement that helps you get more bang for your buck? Compound exercises. These are moves that engage more than one muscle group at the same time. For example, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, bench presses and tricep dips.

Gemma makes sure these are the foundation of her fitness routine to build strength evenly and efficiently.

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She knows quitting isn't the one

We're all about tortoise energy at WH – whatever keeps you on the steady road to success for the long term, not flash in the pan fancies. 'It's a slow process but quitting won't speed it up,' says Gemma. Preach.

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She gets her cardio done

Cardio workouts are massively important for good heart health and improving your overall fitness and stamina. Pick a form of cardio you like – running, walking, biking, hiking or swimming all count – and factor it into your weekly workout routine.

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She knows how important a strong core is

Whether you're trying to lose body fat, get stronger or just train for life, a strong core is essential for stability, strength and everyday tasks. It supports you through exercise (including running and walking), helps with posture and forms the basis of almost everything you do with your body.

And yes, even if your goal isn't to get a six-pack, core exercises should still be a high priority. So don't skip 'em.

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She prioritises a warm-up

Warming up properly is mega important and Gemma makes time to get hers done before a session, too. Our one piece of advice is to avoid static stretches before a workout – it's about getting your muscles warmed and ready to workout with dynamic exercises and mobility.

RELATED: Try these dynamic stretches before your next workout

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She focuses on progression

gemma atkinson pregnancy fitness   women's health uk

Doing the same workout week in week out at the gym can get pretty boring for your body and mind. This is why you need to gradually work harder.

This style of weight training is known as ‘progressive overload’ and helps you get progressively stronger every week through increased reps, tempo or weight. Basically, the more your muscle is under tension, the harder you have to work. One of the key underpinnings of Gem's routine, it's why she reaches those huge goals she sets herself.

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She sees movement as self-care

Move over bubble baths and flickering candles, Gemma's form of nourishing self-care is getting sweaty and, tbh, we love to see it.

'I need to sweat, and grunt, release those happy hormones and have that "me time". I instantly feel better after my session. It's like a light switch!'

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She takes ice baths

Athletes take ice baths after training all the time – it can help reduce inflammation, improve recovery time and give your hardworking muscles some welcome relief. Gem's techy tub doesn't have any ice in it but it does look bloomin' chilly.

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She gets up after being knocked down

Trying something new can be daunting and when it doesn't go to plan, well, it can be discouraging. However, it's not about how hard you go down, it's about how strong you get up. See exhibit: Gemma for evidence of how to do this 💪 .

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She knows a workout doesn't have to be long to be good

A great workout doesn't have to be a long one – in fact, shorter workouts can be much better for your lifestyle and routine. So long as you work hard, you'll reap the rewards. Promise.

RELATED: This is how to do your own circuit training at home

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She's grown to love burpees

Hands up if you hate burpees – yeah, thought so. Gemma's advice is to work on the things you hate until you're good at them. Then, you might come to like them a little more. A great mental hack to help you push through those last few reps,

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She knows a little bit is better than nothing

Some days you're just not feeling it, that's totally OK. But, don't count yourself completely out of the game. Take Gem's lead and trot around the block, jog to the end of the road and back or roll out your yoga mat and do 5 minutes of stretching. A little is always better than nothing.

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She pushes through hard-as-hell finishers

Lower body workouts recruit some of the biggest muscles in your body and so when they start to fatigue during a workout the burn is very, very real. Throw on a slow finisher like this one by Gemma's PT Steve and your quads/glutes/hamstrings will be screaming for relief.

We say, make like GA and sweat and swear your way to get it done.

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She blocks out the noise

'Fuel it right, move when you can,' says Gemma speaking to new mums nervous about where they'll be physically after having a baby. Not one for the "snap back" nonsense, she's been outspoken about women having more time and patience for their body after the experience of pregnancy.

'Your body reacts to how you treat it mentally and physically,' Gemma says. So make sure you're speaking to it and about it as well as you can. It's just as important.

RELATED: Gemma Atkinson on why "snapping back" after pregnancy is a harmful goal

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